Java SuperCollider for Eclipse


To use JSC you need the following:

  1. Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 6.
    JRE can be downloaded here.
  2. Eclipse version 3.4
    Eclipse can be downloaded here.
  3. If you want to control SuperCollider with JSC you will need a working JSCLangModule library.
    JSCLang can be downloaded here.
Eclipse 3.4 needs a lot of system resources (~210mb ram on my machine). If you have an older computer you might want to disable some Eclipse plugins before using JSC or you might want to disable plugins that you are not needing. Not all Eclipse plugins are necessary for JSC but I do not yet have a list of the exact minimum requirements. I'm pretty sure you will need at least these plugins:
  • org.eclipse.swt
  • org.eclipse.ui
  • org.eclipse.core
  • org.eclipse.ant.core
  • org.eclipse.debug.core
  • org.eclipse.debug.ui
  • org.eclipse.equinox
  • org.eclipse.jface
  • org.eclipse.ltk
  • org.eclipse.osgi
  • org.eclipse.sdk
  • org.eclipse.text
  • org.eclipse.update
  • javax.servlet
  • org.apache.commons.logging
  • org.apache.lucene
  • org.apache.lucene.analysis
  • org.mortbay.jetty

Installation on Windows XP

  1. Download JSC. The downloaded archive file (e.g. '') is called 'jsc' in the following instructions.
  2. Copy the contents of the folder 'jsc/eclipse' into your eclipse directory.
  3. Copy the folder 'jsc/SuperCollider3' into a folder of your choice.
  4. Copy the dll files in 'jsc/lib' into your 'windows/system32' directory if they aren't already installed. You can also copy them into the working directories of the applications that use these files. In the case of JSC you would need to make sure they are in the Eclipse directory and in the SuperCollider3 directory (for scsynth.exe).
  5. If you have a working JSCLangModule library to use with JSCLang (JSCLangModule.dll) copy it into the directory of the plugin 'jsc.jsclang.library'.

Installation on Linux

If you want to use the JSCLangModule library ( with JSC there is a pre compiled  binary included in the JSCLang for SuperCollider release. This library got compiled on Ubuntu Hardy. If you are very lucky you can use this library, otherwise you will have to compile the JSCLangModule yourself (see the instructions in the README file included in the release).

Ubuntu Hardy

  1. Download JSC. The downloaded archive file (e.g. '') is called 'jsc' in the following instructions.
  2. Install the following packages from the standard ubuntu repository
    • sun-java6
    • jdk- libfftw3-3
  3. Install eclipse 3.4 in /opt/eclipse
  4. Copy the contents of the folder 'jsc/eclipse' into your eclipse directory.
  5. Copy the folder 'jsc/SuperCollider3' into a folder of your choice.
  6. If you have a working JSCLangModule library to use with JSCLang ( follow these steps:
    1. Copy into the directory 'eclipse/plugins/jsc.jsclang.library_x.x.x'
    2. Create the file '' in your home directory and add the following lines to the file:

      SwingOSC.program = "SwingOSC/build/SwingOSC.jar";
      // change these lines to open windows outside of Eclipse
      SwingGUI.defaultWindow = JSCEclipseWindow;
      //SwingGUI.defaultWindow = JSCWindow;
      // make window for server and tell JscEclipse that the library has been compiled
      g.waitForBoot({ s.makeWindow(); JscEclipse.sendCompilationFinished();});
  7. Create the script file '/usr/bin/eclipse' and add the following lines to it (change these lines so they fit your setup):

    export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME="/usr/lib/firefox/"
    export ECLIPSE_HOME="/opt/eclipse"
    export LC_NUMERIC=C
    /opt/eclipse/eclipse -vm /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
  8. Start Eclipse using the created startup script

Debian Etch

  1. Download JSC. The downloaded archive file (e.g. '') is called 'jsc' in the following instructions.
  2. Install the following package from the standard repository
    • libfftw3-3
  3. Install the sun jdk by following these instructions :
  4. Install eclipse 3.4 in /opt/eclipse
  5. Copy the contents of the folder 'jsc/eclipse' into your eclipse directory.
  6. Copy the folder 'jsc/SuperCollider3' into a folder of your choice.
  7. If you have a working JSCLangModule library to use with JSCLang ( follow these steps:
    1. Copy into the directory 'eclipse/plugins/jsc.jsclang.library_x.x.x'
    2. Create the file '' in your home directory and add the following lines to the file:

      SwingOSC.program = "SwingOSC/build/SwingOSC.jar";
      // change these lines to open windows outside of Eclipse
      SwingGUI.defaultWindow = JSCEclipseWindow;
      //SwingGUI.defaultWindow = JSCWindow;
      // make window for server and tell JscEclipse that the library has been compiled
      g.waitForBoot({ s.makeWindow(); JscEclipse.sendCompilationFinished();});
  8. Create the script file '/usr/bin/eclipse' and add the following lines to it (change these lines so they fit your setup):

    export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME="/usr/lib/firefox/"
    export ECLIPSE_HOME="/opt/eclipse"
    export LC_NUMERIC=C
    /opt/eclipse/eclipse -vm /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
  9. Start Eclipse using the created startup script

Upgrading from previous JSC versions

If you upgrade you should first delete the old plugin files and directories from your eclipse/plugins directory. After installation start Eclipse with 'eclipse -clean'.