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Known Problems with JSC
- For some reason Eclipse sets the JSC Editor as the
for opening htm/html files. I still have to look into this.
Meanwhile you must change the default back to the Web Browser manually
in the preferences. - preferences/General/Editors/File Associations
- The JVM may still crash on some occasions. Save your
work often and make backups!
- The global source folders will not get automatically
updated. The only workaround is to remove the folders from the
preferences and to add them again. The same is true for external
project folders.
- Classes with numbers in the name are not yet coloured
by the syntax highlighting.
- MidiOut is not working because portmidi is not yet
implemented for SC. In future releases I plan to include a Java midi
for SC implementation.
- A lot of primitives are not yet implemented for
Windows and might even cause SC and Eclipse to crash.
- some functionality like code completion is only
available after compiling SC.
- sometimes SwingOSC will report an error that it
connect to the server. It seems that everything is still working even
after this error is shown.
- You will possibly get lots of error messages in the
error log. If you think these messages are caused by a serious bug
please report the bug. Otherwise simply ignore/delete them.
- You can open RTF and HTML files with the editor but
will get converted to plain text and because of that you will not be
allowed to save the files. You can still change these files but do not
forget to save them under a new name if you want to keep your changes.
- The UGen 'KeyState' is not yet working on Windows.